Today My Day Felt Golden

My eyes opened at 5am this morning. The sun was low on the buildings opposite my bedroom window. It was golden. Golden. And it gave me peace.

I stood in the silence and watched the sun come up. I felt like I was the only person awake. The only person on earth. My heart felt light, like it could lift from my body.

I think of the things I have overcome, the things I am yet to. I think of the year ahead and breathe and feel hopeful. I am reaching my energy outwards now. I extend myself into the world, shyer than I used to be. More delicate than I used to be. I’m still likely to go back into hiding. But that sunlight this morning was golden. And so am I.

Today I want to encourage you to find a piece of your own sunlight, something that makes you feel golden and hold it in your hands. Remember if you are feeling heavy and dark and unbearable that there is golden days or even small moments to be held. Last week I couldn’t stop crying, berating and following my self deprecating narrative. But this day, this morning it feels like enough.

So today, your own moment. Your new narrative. Your direction is not tainted because you are having a harder time, you are holding up the weight of a thousand responsibilities, your heart is heavy with grief, your head is heavy with depression, whatever it may be that is holding you this morning, tell it quite simply that you would like a golden day. Just to feel a little gentler, to have a little less harshness. To be able to hold this day and take it at a slower pace and get the things done you have been waiting to do.

Your feelings of heaviness may not go for awhile, they may be something you grow around, but there will be days like this.


Until next time babies,

Love from Bitsifind x


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